Liquid Form Antifreeze

Liquid Form Antifreeze (LAF™ code) is a highly effective, ready-to-use product designed to facilitate the production of top-quality concrete even in low-temperature and cold weather conditions. Concreting in cold weather or winter presents challenges, as temperatures below 5 degrees Celsius can cause concrete water to freeze, leading to improper curing and setting of the concrete. LAF™ antifreeze concrete admixture, in its liquid form, serves the dual purpose of lowering the freezing point of concrete water and accelerating the hydration process. This unique formulation makes it ideal for concrete projects in cold regions. Additionally, the admixture’s composition ensures the absence of chloride materials, mitigating the concrete’s reinforcement corrosion risk. With LAF™ antifreeze, you can confidently achieve outstanding concrete performance in cold reigns without compromising durability or quality.


The versatility of these materials allows for their application in various contexts, with nitrite, calcium nitrate additive, and calcium nitrate, nitrite, and chloride additive specifically designed as additives. Among the American-produced additives based on calcium nitrite, carbamide has successfully resulted in regions with relatively mild weather conditions and concrete temperatures above -10 degrees Celsius. While this antifreeze admixture promotes a smooth and uniform concrete mixture, it does not significantly accelerate the hardening process. Urea, one of the components of CNNU or CCNNU (mixtures of urea with nitrite, calcium nitrate, or chloride, nitrite, calcium nitrate), has been employed in this regard.
Each combined antifreeze admixture has its specific range of applications and associated benefits, enabling efficient performance across a wide temperature spectrum. By lowering the freezing point of water, antifreeze admixtures require a consumption amount proportional to the mixed water’s weight. This consumption amount varies depending on the water-to-cement ratio. When calculating the consumption of antifreeze, similar to concrete plasticizers, based on the cement ratio, a higher water-to-cement ratio leads to a lower concentration in the solution, affecting the hardening rate below freezing temperatures. However, such concerns are alleviated when determining the antifreeze admixture quantity based on the water weight in the mixture. Consequently, all relevant tables provide the amount of antifreeze admixture based on the required water content in the mixture, following the common practice for liquid additives.
For comparative purposes with other admixtures, the amount of antifreeze used can be calculated based on the cement quantity in the mixture instead of water. In such cases, an average water-to-cement ratio of 0.5 can be assumed.


  • Prevent concrete from freezing
  • Not using materials containing chloride in the additive composition
  •  Increasing the initial strength of concrete
  •  Accelerating the hydration process


  • This type of admixture can be used in cold areas or during concreting in winter.



  • Yellowish

technical specifications

Physical Properties



Physical basis


1.25-1.28 Kg/L

Shelf Time

12 months


For Engineers
  • Familiarize Yourself with Product Properties: Understand the characteristics of LAF™ code.
  • Consider Cold Weather and Low-Temperature Conditions: Plan concreting in cold environments.
  • Optimize Concrete Mixture Uniformity: Ensure a consistent and homogeneous mix with LAF™ code.
  • Assess Project-Specific Requirements: Tailor LAF™ code dosage based on project needs.
  • Verify Compatibility with Other Admixtures: Check if the LAF™ code works well with other additives.
  • Consider Environmental Impact: Prioritize sustainable options and eco-friendly practices.
  • Collaborate with Suppliers and Contractors: Maintain communication for seamless integration.
  • Stay Updated with Industry Standards and Best Practices: Stay informed on guidelines for cold weather concreting and antifreeze admixtures.
For Contractors
  • Understand Product Application: Familiarize yourself with how to use LAF™ code correctly.
  • Follow Manufacturer Guidelines: Adhere to recommended dosage rates for the LAF™ code.
  • Test Compatibility and Performance: Ensure LAF™ code works well with other materials and performs as expected.
  • Monitor Weather Conditions: Stay updated on weather forecasts and adjust LAF™ code dosage accordingly.
  • Implement Quality Control Measures: Establish procedures to maintain concrete quality and consistency.
  • Ensure Proper Concrete Curing: Pay attention to curing methods for LAF™ code in cold weather.
  • Collaborate with Engineers and Designers: Maintain clear communication on project requirements.
  • Prioritize Safety Measures: Take precautions when handling LAF™ code materials.
  • Document and Record: Keep detailed records of LAF™ code usage and performance data.
  • Stay Informed on Industry Updates: Stay updated on advancements in cold weather concreting.
Application Instructions
  • dosage of 1% of the cement weight. Multiply the cement weight by 0.01 to determine the required amount of LAF™ code.
  • Prepare Mixing Container: Select a suitable container for mixing the LAF™ code with other concrete ingredients. Ensure the container is clean and free from any contaminants.
  • Add LAF™ Code: Pour the calculated quantity of LAF™ code into the mixing container. Take care to measure accurately to achieve the desired dosage.
  • Mix with Water: Add a small amount of water to the mixing container containing the LAF™ code. Mix thoroughly to create a homogeneous solution.
  • Combine with Concrete Ingredients: Once the LAF™ code and water are well-mixed, add the remaining concrete ingredients, including cement, aggregates, and other admixtures, to the mixing container.
  • Mix Thoroughly: Use appropriate mixing equipment, such as a concrete or mechanical mixer, to thoroughly blend the concrete mixture. Ensure that all components are evenly distributed and that the LAF™ code is uniformly dispersed.
  • Check Consistency: Evaluate the consistency of the concrete mixture. Adjust the water content or add additional LAF™ code to achieve the desired workability and slump.
  • Monitor Mixing Time: Follow standard mixing guidelines and mix the concrete for the recommended duration to ensure proper integration of all ingredients, including LAF™ code.
  • Apply Concrete: Once the concrete is mixed thoroughly, promptly apply it to the designated area or formwork following standard concrete placement practices.
Guide to Quality Control (QC)
  • Training and Familiarization: Ensure personnel are trained and familiar with the LAF™ code.
  • Raw Material Inspection: Check LAF™ code for quality and adherence to storage conditions.
  • Dosage Verification: Confirm LAF™ code dosage aligns with project requirements.
  • Compatibility Testing: Test LAF™ code compatibility with other admixtures and materials.
  • Concrete Sample Collection: Collect representative samples throughout the project.
  • Concrete Testing: Perform various tests on concrete samples.
  • Documentation and Record-Keeping: Maintain comprehensive records of quality control activities.
  • Calibration and Maintenance: Regularly calibrate and maintain testing equipment.
  • Analysis and Feedback: Analyze data and provide feedback for improvement.
  • Continuous Improvement: Review and enhance quality control procedures.

technical documents

Technical Data Sheet (TDS)


Safety Data Sheet (SDS)




Photo Gallery

Frequently Asked Questions

Where is the liquid antifreeze admixture based on calcium nitrite used?

admixture based on calcium nitrite, which are produced in America, have been effective in areas where the weather is relatively mild and the concrete temperature does not fall below -10 degrees Celsius. This antifreeze admixture makes the concrete mix smooth and uniform, but it does not speed up the hardening of the concrete much.

Are chlorides used in liquid antifreeze?


How does the concrete antifreeze admixture help better concreting in the cold?

By reducing the freezing point of concrete water and also increasing the hydration speed, it helps in better concreting in the cold.

What is the density of liquid concrete antifreeze?

It is 1.25 to 1.28 kg per liter.

What is the best time to use concrete antifreeze admixture?

12 months.

What is the relationship between water and cement ratio and antifreeze admixture consumption?

Their consumption amount is proportional to the weight of the mixed water and their consumption amount changes with different ratios of water to cement. If the amount of consumption of antifreeze, such as concrete plasticizer, is calculated based on the ratio of cement, a higher ratio of water to cement produces a lower concentration value in the solution.


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